Child counselling Calgary

Easing Back to School Anxiety with Child Counselling

Kate KolskogUncategorized Leave a Comment

While it can be exciting the start of another school year can bring feelings of anxiety with it for some children. There is a certain amount of anxiety that can be expected when returning to school, meeting new teachers, and negotiating new friendships. Our kids may not know how to fully express their feelings and as a result may be more likely to act out and test boundaries. This type of behavior is normal while going through a seasonal transition like back to school. Kids may also be withdrawn, sad, or overly emotional while they say goodbye to summer and fall back into their routines. Each child is unique in how they adjust to being back in the classroom, and there is no way to predict how long this will take. For some children, the return to routine and busy schedules can be overwhelming and challenging to deal with. It may trigger significant feelings of anxiety that start to impact …