Child sitting alone in living room

Signs Of Bipolar In Teenagers

Kate KolskogBipolar DIsorder Leave a Comment

As a parent, it is typical to have to navigate your child’s emotional ups and downs. Teenage angst is often the norm and is to be expected. But sometimes, significant shifts in your child’s or teen’s mood are a sign that there is more going on. Perhaps you are curious if they have Bipolar Disorder.  If so, this article will explore what Bipolar Disorder is, how it shows up, and how to move forward with treatment and resources. What Exactly is Bipolar Disorder?  Bipolar is a mood disorder that affects both adults and children, most commonly showing up in early adulthood. The National Institute of Mental Health states that the key symptoms that these individuals usually experience episodes of Mania. Mania can be explained as a period of intense energy, happiness, or activity. These manic episodes are often compounded by depressive mood periods, where mood and energy levels are extremely low. While the exact causes are unknown, the NIMH states …